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Rescued raccoon a bit too beefy to squeeze through sewer grate

Adult raccoons can weigh more than 20 pounds.
Racoon 2
Rescued raccoon a bit too beefy to squeeze through sewer grate

ZION, Illinois — Late fall is the time for woodland creatures (and their urban compatriots) to fatten up and get ready for winter.

Judging by this masked little fella’s girth – which got him stuck in a sewer grate in Zion, Illinois – pickings are plentiful this autumn!

The Zion, Illinois Police Department posted pictures of this raccoon rescue on their Facebook Page on Thursday, Nov. 3.

“It seems this little guy has been eating a little too well and got caught in the sewer grate,” the wrote. ” Animal Control Officer R. Knorr & Officer Vaughn were unable to remove him and had to request help from the real heroes over at the Zion Public Works Department. They were able to free him and our friend was no worse for wear.”


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