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Galesburg schools begin fall semester with 100% e-learning

The Galesburg School Board decided this summer to start the first five weeks of the year online

GALESBURG, Illinois — Galesburg public schools on Tuesday welcomed back students pre-K through 12th grade -- not in the classroom, but with online e-learning platforms. The school board decided this summer to start the fall semester with five weeks of 100% e-learning. 

"It's sad to think that little people aren't filling these chairs each day, but I am very grateful for technology and the fact that I am able to see them on the screen because they were smiling, they were dancing," said Steele School kindergarten teacher Kristen Pickrel.

Pickrel's kids are learning how to spell their names at the same time as how to use a new e-learning platform. "Seesaw" is the app young students use for assignments and activities. 

"I had a couple that were still learning the ropes, but I was amazed. I think the kids are actually adapting much better than the parents," Pickrel said.

"Our platforms have been working really well. Our students have been able to submit work and get feedback," said Steele School Principal Jennifer Graves.

Dancing together to "Brain Breaks," Pickrel and her students are making the most of a difficult year. 

"Two weeks ago I probably would have sat here and cried. Just because it’s just a lot, you know? But we’ve worked together and we have an amazing team," Pickrel said.

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